Friday, April 30, 2010

Keep Steppin !

иииии.. :

For every boy that she allows to step on her heart
She comes one step closer to findin what she needs
The sad part is shes still stuck somewhere behind the start
Still doesnt know what it takes to make it leave
That tattoo bleeds upon the paid dues
Break the rules, to balance the odds, challenge her God
The untrained eye thinks shes got it all together
But the first time I seen her smile I knew better
Right down the letters, piece them in order
Make sense out of a sentance, give the picture a border
Got to sort through the images that clutter the soul
But the photo got fried cause the shutter didnt close
Over exposed, too many steps, too soon
Killed the pain with a jameson under a blue moon
She climbs, she cries, she waits
How many more can she take before her legs break

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